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The DERC has released draft RPO regulations in an order dated 28/07/2017. Following are the salient features of the regulation:


  1. RPO Compliance:

  • Aggregate from the gross purchases from generating stations by Obligated entities shall be considered as the quantum of RE purchase for RPO compliance.

  • All the power produced from Waste-to-energy plants shall be procured by the distribution licensee. This will also contribute towards RPO compliance.

  • Quarterly reports shall be submitted by the obligated entities which will include parameters such as capacity addition, generation and purchase of electricity from RE sources. The same shall also be posted on their website.

  1. Role of SNA:


  • Protocol development for regular information collection from RE generating companies, obligated entities, SLDC, chief electrical inspector, ets.

  • RE procurement and RPO compliance reports on a monthly basis by obligated entities which shall also go on their websites. This shall be done by the 10th of the next month.

  • It shall also receive information on or before 30th April from captive users who are consuming electricity generated from captive generating plants about electricity consumption and purchase from RE sources.

  • The same shall be applicable for open access consumers.

This regulation isn’t very different from the previous RPO regulation which was released in October 2012.

The order can be accessed here. The public notice can be accessed here.