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DERC announces (Renewable Purchase Obligation and Renewable Energy Certificate Framework Implementation) Regulations 2018 along with draft order for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO)

The Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission recently issued a Renewable Purchase Obligation and Renewable Energy Certificate framework Implementation, regulations 2018 along with a draft order prescribing Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO). The draft order will be applicable to any captive user, open access consumers and discoms in the state.

  • The RE projects will have an option of adopting either the tariff pricing service or the REC mechanism for pricing.
  • The projects opting for a tariff under the above-mentioned mechanisms will continue with the same tariff pricing structure until the period of validity of Power Purchase Agreement.
  • For all the obligated entities the aggregated RPO compliance of all the gross purchase from various generating stations will be considered for the quantum of renewable energy purchased towards compliance of Renewable Purchase Obligation.
  • Any surplus electricty generated after RPO compliance of such obligated entity will qualify towards RPO compliance of the Discoms.
  • All the obligated entity can purchase REC for any shortfall in their RPO targets for any fiscal year within 3 months or three trading sessions, provided that in case the obligated entity procures excess renewable power over and above its RPO target in any year, the obligated entity shall be allowed to set off in the following order: (i) against past accumulated shortfall in RPO compliance, if any,?(ii) carry forward excess quantum of renewable power after set off against a past accumulated shortfall in RPO compliance up to three succeeding years and shall be set off against the quantum of Renewable Purchase Obligation of such succeeding year(s).

According to the draft order, the annual target for RPO in terms of the RPO-REC regulations for the obligated entities other than the discoms for FY 17-18 to FY 19-20 which will be considered as the percent of the total consumption by the obligated entities excluding of power through hydroelectric plants.

The commission has asked for the stakeholders to send in their comments, suggestions, and opinions to the Draft Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (Renewable Purchase Obligation and Renewable Energy Certificate Framework Implementation), Regulation 2018 & draft order by 2nd February 2019.