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Delhi discoms request to waive RPO of FY13

Delhi discoms have requested to DERC, to waive RPO targets of FY13. This request was put forward by discoms in their respective ARR petitions for FY15. The discoms contend that RPO regulations were introduced in Delhi only in October 2012 and as such there was little time in that year to meet the targets. The request can be read as (Petitioner – Delhi discom)-

“In this regard the Petitioner would like to submit that since the Regulations were?issued in the mid of FY 2012-13 and the Renewable Energy Generation in Delhi?was not fully developed, it was not possible to meet the RPO Targets during FY?2012-13. The Petitioner appreciates the fact that the energy generation through?Renewable Energy Sources is required to be promoted by achieving the RPO?Targets but at the same time the Renewable Energy Sector is also required to?be developed in Delhi for fulfilment of RPO. The Petitioner has invited?competitive bids for procurement of Renewable Power for both Solar and Non-Solar plants. The details about the bidding process and shortlisted bidders have?already been submitted to the Hon’ble Commission. The Hon’ble Commission?would appreciate the fact that RE Generation in Delhi is at nascent stage and?will gradually develop in the coming years. The Petitioner in the meeting with the?Hon’ble Commission held on October 9, 2012 also highlighted the difficulty in?mobilising resources to meet the RPO announced by the Hon’ble Commission.”

Delhi discoms BYPL and BRPL mde reference to MERC’s order dated 7th August 2009, where the RPO targets from FY08 to FY10 were exempted due to shortfall in projected RE capacity addition.

While it is left on DERC to decide on this matter, any decision in favour of the request would further dent the ongoing positive enforcement efforts in other states.

The ARR petitions are available on DERC’s website.

Our recent blog-post highlighting projections by discoms for meeting RPO of Fy15 can be read here.

Relevant media article – Times of India.