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Chhattisgarh amends RPO targets for Captive Power Producers

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (CSERC) recently published an order stating amendments to the Renewable Purchase Obligation and REC framework Implementation Regulations, 2016. The amendment in light came into existence after a petition was made to the Commission requesting to amend the current RPO regulations in line with an order published by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy in February 2019 clarifying the Renewable Purchase Obligation compliance for Captive Consumers.
As per the order, an amendment is made in clause 4.3 minimum percentages of RPO the captive users consuming electricity from captive generating plants (CGP), commissioned before 1st April 2016, will have RPO target applicable for FY 2015-16, which is 1% solar and 6.25% non-solar.?

However, for CGPs commissioned after 1st April 2016 onward, the RPO trajectory specified in the REC framework Implementation Regulations, 2016 or Ministry of Power Trajectory whichever is higher will be applicable depending on the year of commissioning for the Captive Generating Plant.
Further, in case any new capacity is added to the CGPs, the RPO for that added capacity will be the RPO applicable as specified in these Regulations for the year in which the CGPs have been added.? Comments & suggestions are invited by the Commission till 8th June 2020 and the public hearing is? also scheduled on 8th June 2020.
Earlier, states like Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha have also amended their RPO-REC regulations following the MNRE order later in 2019.
With the proposed introduction of Hydro Power Obligation in the Electricity Act Amendment Bill 2020, there are chances we might see amendments in the? state-specific RPO trajectory in the coming future.