how to get more accessory slots palworld,casino with slots near me Fri, 12 Aug 2016 07:55:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Accelerated Depreciation – REConnectEnergy 32 32 Policy for Repowering of the Wind Power Projects Fri, 12 Aug 2016 07:55:41 +0000 The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy in consultation with various stakeholders including the Industry and States had come up with the Draft Policy for Repowering of the Wind Power Projects in the month of March this year. After 4 months the Policy has been finalised with an objective to promote optimum utilization of wind energy resources by creating facilitative framework for repowering. Some of the key pints of the policy are mentioned below:

  • All the wind turbine generators with the capacity of 1MW or below would be eligible for repowering.
  • The Policy offers incentives in form of an additional interest rate rebate of 0.25% over existing rebate available to the new wind projects by IREDA.
  • Secondly through benefits like Accelerated Depreciation or GBI that would be made available to the repowering project.
  • The power generated corresponding to average of last three years’ generation prior to repowering would continue to be procured on the terms of existing PPA.
  • Augmentation of transmission system from pooling station onwards to be carried out by the respective STU.
  • During the period of execution of repowering, wind turbines would be exempted from not honoring the PPA for the non-availability
  • ?Similarly, in case of repowering by captive user they will to be allowed to purchase power from grid during the period of execution of repowering.

The Policy can be accessed?here.

Rajasthan Proposes Wind Tariff for FY 2016-17 Sun, 31 Jul 2016 10:00:42 +0000 The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) recently proposed the new tariff for wind energy sources, which will be applicable for the projects commissioned during FY 16-17. The tariff will be applicable for 25 years.? The details of the tariff proposed are in the table below:

Below are the some graphs on the year-wise tariff’s of CERC and RERC for wind energy and the % changes in the tariffs over the years.

Note:?All figures of CERC relate to wind zone-2 as defined by CERC, and all RERC tariffs relate to Wind Power Plants located in districts other than Jaisalmer, Jodhpur & Barmer districts.
It can be noticed from the graphs above that RERC has constantly increased Wind tariffs over the last three FYs except for the current FY, while CERC wind tariffs have risen a bit in terms of %.
Rajasthan has a wind power potential of 5050 MW’s and with these tariffs proposed, it will become an attractive destination for setting up Wind projects.
The Tariff proposed by RERC can be read?here.

HPERC Determines Generalized Levelised Tariff for Solar PV for FY 2016-17 Sun, 31 Jul 2016 06:21:35 +0000 HPERC recently determined its generalized levelized tariff for Solar PV for FY 2016-17. The Commission came out; vide its proposal for categorization of solar PV projects as well as for fixing the norms for technological specific parameters, other terms and conditions and determination of generic levelized tariffs for solar PV projects up to 5.00 MW capacities.
The Commission has fixed the normative capital costs inclusive of all components as well as taxes etc. for solar PV projects up to 5.00 MW capacity by increasing the CERC benchmark capital cost of Rs. 530.02 Lakhs per MW by 7.50% up to 1 MW and 6% above 1 MW and up to 5.00 MW capacity plants for 2016-17, as given below:-

The Commission has thereby determined the generic levelized tariffs and the associated terms and conditions for Solar PV power plant in respect of? FY 2016-17 as given under:-

These tariffs will be applicable for the solar PV projects where PPAs are signed on or before 31st March 2017, after approval of the Commission and the projects are commissioned on or before 31st March, 2018.
The regulation can be accessed??here.

Tamil Nadu Comprehensive Tariff Order on Wind Energy Fri, 01 Apr 2016 11:35:34 +0000 The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission issued its fourth Comprehensive Tariff Order on Wind Energy on 30th March, 2016. The Commission’s last comprehensive tariff order was issued in 2012 for a control period for two years which was later extended up to the issuance of next comprehensive tariff order. This order would be applicable on purchase of wind energy by the Distribution Licensee from wind energy generators (WEGs).
Some of the key points of the order are as follows:

  • Wind Tariff: This year’s levelized wind tariff has been finalized out to be Rs 4.16/ unit which has increased from the previous tariff of Rs 3.59/ unit.
  • CDM Benefits: The order offers CDM benefits, which will be shared between the distribution licensee and the consumer on gross basis starting from 100% to developers in the first year and thereafter reducing by 10% every year till the sharing becomes equal.
  • Wheeling & Transmission Charges: The WEGs shall have to bear 40% in each of the transmission, wheeling and scheduling and system operation charges as applicable to the conventional power to the wind power.
  • CSS: The WEG will be levied 50% of cross subsidy charges.
  • Banking Charges: This order provides the banking of Energy for a period of 12 month commencing from April 1st, 2016 to 31st March.
    • The Unutilized energy as on 31st March every year would be encashed at the rate of 75% of the respective applicable wind energy tariff rate fixed by the Commission.
    • The WEGs have requested to consider purchase of unutilized energy for the generators under REC scheme at APPC rates and to permit banking of energy and encash the unutilized energy at 75% of the applicable rates notified by the Commission.
  • The order can be accessed here.
Draft Policy for Repowering of the Wind Power Projects Sat, 26 Mar 2016 10:36:47 +0000 The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy in consultation with various stakeholders including the Industry and States recently came up with the Draft Policy for Repowering of the Wind Power Projects with an objective to promote optimum utilization of wind energy resources. Some of the key pints of the policy are mentioned below:

  • All the wind turbine generators with the capacity of 1MW or below would be eligible for repowering.
  • The Policy offers incentives in form of an additional interest rate rebate of 0.25% over existing rebate available to the new wind projects by IREDA.
  • Secondly through benefits like Accelerated Depreciation or GBI that would be made available to the repowering project.
  • The power generated corresponding to average of last three years’ generation prior to repowering would continue to be procured on the terms of existing PPA.
  • Augmentation of transmission system from pooling station onwards to be carried out by the respective STU.
  • During the period of execution of repowering, wind turbines would be exempted from not honoring the PPA for the non-availability
  • ?Similarly, in case of repowering by captive user they will to be allowed to purchase power from grid during the period of execution of repowering.

The Policy can be accessed here.

Key provision for Renewable Energy industry in the Union Budget 2016 Thu, 17 Mar 2016 05:59:13 +0000 The Union Budget 2016 was a mixed bag for the RE industry. The key provisions that will impact the industry are:

  • Reduction in accelerated depreciation (AD) on RE investment – the rate of AD will be reduced from 80% to 40% from April 1, 2017. AD has been historically an important driver of investment in the RE sector. However, off-late IPPs (who generally do not use AD benefits) have become the key driver of investment in the sector. Nevertheless, this change will reduce demand for RE investment. FY 2016-17 is likely to see a spurt in investment under AD as investors rush to complete projects before the lower rate becomes effective.
  • Increase in coal cess – Coal cess has been doubled from Rs 200/ ton to Rs 400/ ton. The proceeds from this cess fund the National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF). NCEF is used for a variety of reasons like Ganga Rejuvenation, proposed payments to states for deviation resulting from wind and solar, and is often not used at all (absorbed by the government to meet fiscal deficit targets).
  • Allocation of funds to MNRE has increased from ?Rs 262 crore in FY 15-16 to over 5,000 crore in FY 16-17. These will potentially kick-start large projects. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? * 1Article titled “Govt uses green energy fund for fiscal balancing”, dated April 21, 2015, Mint newspaper . 
    The article can be accessed here.


GERC (Gujarat) Proposes Tariff for Solar Projects Mon, 15 Jun 2015 12:17:38 +0000 The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) in a draft notified earlier this month has proposed tariff for the solar projects. The Tariff proposed in the Discussion Paper will be applicable to the projects commission during July 1, 2015 to March 31, 2018. The commission through a separate public notice has invited comments and suggestions from the interested stake holders by 22nd June 2015.
The details of the tariffs proposed are in the table below:

Below is the graph for comparison between tariffs of CERC and GERC for previous years:

Wheeling Charges:

  • For Injection at 66 kV voltage level and above, transmission charges as applicable to normal open-access customers and transmission and wheeling loss @ 7% of the energy fed into the grid.
  • For Injection at 11 kV or above and below 66 kV, wheeling in the area of the distribution licensee will be allowed on payment of distribution loss @ 3% of the energy fed in to the grid. In the other case of wheeling within the State but in the area of a different distribution licensee will be allowed on payment of transmission charges as applicable to normal Open-Access Customers and transmission and distribution loss @ 10% of the energy fed in to the grid.

Cross subsidy Charges: As a promotional measure for solar power no cross-subsidy surcharges would be levied in case of third-party sale.
It is worth noticing that GERC had calculated its tariffs back in 2012 for coming years I.e. FY 13, FY14 & FY 15, while CERC revises its tariffs every year. The difference visible between tariffs of CERC and GERC for previous years is because the GERC hasn’t revised its tariff after 2012 and it is that period during which the capital cost of the solar modules fell drastically and so the difference didn’t reflect on the tariffs of GERC as it wasn’t revised.
Now the GERC has proposed new tariff which is quite lower (approx. 5.5%) than the tariff finalized by the CERC. A public hearing on the matter will take place on 29th June 2015.

REConnect Newsletter Volume 43 – OPEN ACCESS Thu, 14 Aug 2014 06:46:56 +0000

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to present Open Access Vol 43 – our monthly newsletter covering RECs and regulatory and market developments in the renewable energy space.

The main article covers:

The government announced the re-introduction of Accelerated Deprecaition for wind projects. This was a major announcement for the Renewable energy industry. Our main article provides a detailed analysis of the impact of this change, and the relative merits and de-merits of investing in wind or solar projects.

This issue also covers:

– Details of the next batch of bidding for solar projects announced in JNNSM

– Details of the FOR?meeting that took up the need for strong RPO enforcement

– Various other regulatory developments in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, Karnataka, and other states

Past newsletters can be accessed here –?

For latest news and updates, please visit our blog at –?

?As always, we will love to hear your feedback on the newsletter.

– Team REConnect

Reinstatement of Accelerated Depreciation benefit for wind and its impact on the Renewable Energy Industry Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:42:15 +0000 Earlier last month, when the Union Budget was presented, there was a mention of reinstatement of Accelerated Depreciation ( AD ) for Wind Energy generators, in the Hindi version of the budget, whereas it found no mention in the English version. This caused confusion in the RE industry circles. However, the government clarified that AD has indeed been brought back on wind investments.

Wind Power development in India started in the early 90s. As per Section 80(J) of Income Tax Act 1961, industries were allowed 80% depreciation on capital invested. Since then till 2012 (when the benefit was removed), Wind Power development and growth has always relied primarily on Accelerated Depreciation (AD).

New wind capacity additional peaked in 2011-12 at about 3,200 MW, falling sharply to 1,700 MW the next year as AD benefits were removed. The argument put forward at that time by policy makers was that wind industry had matured, and the focus needed to shift to solar. This fits well with the objectives of the National Solar Mission.

The decline in wind investment due to withdrawal of AD coincided with healthy growth of close to 60% in Solar Power in 2012-13 and 2013-14. The market momentum had definitely shifted in favor of Solar. Our analysis suggests that Wind AD market had an investing capital of close to 7300 crores. This shifted to Solar AD market which saw increase in investments worth Rs 7500 crores during 2012-13.

The new government has announced that it was reintroducing AD (80%) in 2014, much to the delight of Wind Power stakeholders. We believe that the investment momentum will shift again to wind due to more mature policies and attractive tariffs.

Wind tariff in recent years have become very attractive?and are close to solar tariff in many states. In Rajasthan, Maharashtra and MP, tariff in the range of Rs. 5, whereas solar tariffs are generally in the range of Rs. 6, leaving a very small gap.

With this, there will certainly be a diversion in investments from Solar to Wind power in the times to come.
These can also be understood from the table and graph below.

The green dots represent the advantage to the sector.

Rajasthan Finalizes Wind & Biomass Tariff Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:45:50 +0000 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) through its orders respectively on 16th July and 23rd July 2014 has finalized the tariff for Wind and Biomass plants. The tariff would be applicable for the plants getting commissioned during FY 14-15. Earlier commission invited comments and suggestions on the draft order and following that the commission finalized the tariffs.

The details of the tariff determined are as below:

A graph on the variation of wind and biomass tariffs over last three years is given below:

It is evident from the graph that the percentage increase in wind tariff is lower for FY 14-15 as compared to the increase in FY 13-14. Same in the case of Biomass tariff the percentage increase in tariff is more than 12% compared to previous year, which may be because of the increase in fuel cost and total plant operation cost.

The RERC wind tariff order can be accessed here

The RERC Biomass Tariff can be accessed here

Our previous blog post on Rajasthan Solar tariff can be read here

Contributed by Dheeraj Babariya
