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CAG highlights gaps in RPO compliance of states; Penalties of Rs 4,234 crore not levied

In a recent audit report covering the functioning of MNRE, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has highlighted various issues on RPO compliance by states.

The main issues highlighted by the CAG are:

  • Setting RPO well below the NAPPC target

  • States have been lax in discharging their obligations under RPO regulations in every aspect. Many states have not prescribed any penalties (Rajasthan, Karnataka, UP are mentioned in the report), most do not collect data on compliance

  • Further, no states (except Uttarakhand, which has imposed a ‘token’ penalty) have imposed penalties. The CAG has estimated that a penalty of Rs 4,234.8 crore was leviable by states, but has not been done

  • CAG further mentions that “RPO was further diluted by frequent deferring of RPO targets as seen in the cases of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Uttarakhand”


REConnect Analysis:

It is good to see the CAG stepping into an area which has seen very little enforcement of rules by state regulators, despite the Supreme Court and ApTel giving clear judgements for enforcement.

It is also good to see the extent of penalties not collected being quantified for the first time. By any account, Rs 4,234 crore is a huge number. However, we believe that is is a significant understatement as the assessment by CAG covered Discom’s only – not CPPs and open access consumers who constitute a significant portion of obligated entities in the country.


News coverage of the CAG report can be accessed here.