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BERC (Bihar) Finalizes Solar Tariff for FY 14-15

The Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC) its order dated 09.04.2015? has finalized the new tariff for solar energy tariff. Previously the commission in its notification dated 30.09.2014, released a consultative paper asking for comments and suggestions from stake holders.

The tariff determined is applicable for FY 14-15 and for which PPA is signed by 31.03.2015 or until the issue of the next tariff order, and the project is commissioned up to 31.03.2016 or within one year from the signing of the PPA, while for solar thermal project the tariff will be applicable even if the project is commissioned up to ?31.03.2017 or within two year from the signing of the PPA.

The details of the tariff’s determined are given in the table below:

A graph on year-wise tariff of the BERC is given below:

The Tariff’s calculated by BERC over the years, almost falls in line with the tariff’s defined by the CERC. Bihar as a state hasn’t seen much of the capacity addition in the solar energy sector. The state is having a total potential of more than 11GW for solar energy.

The BERC Solar Tariff order can be accessed here.