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APERC unveils wheeling, transmission & SLDC charges for FY15

The state regulator of AP has determined open access charges namely – wheeling, transmission and SLDC charges for 3rd control period (i.e. from FY15 to FY19).

Wheeling Charges:

The wheeling charges determined by APERC are different for all discoms. The wheeling charges will be effective 17th May 2014. The table below shows the applicable wheeling tariff for subsequent years starting FY15.

Wheeling charges to be levied by CPDCL –

A conventional generator using distribution network of CPDCL and drawing energy at 33 kV will now have to pay Rs. 0.01 per unit. For 11 kV the same will be approx. Rs. 0.195 per unit in FY15.

Wheeling charges to be levied by EPDCL –

Wheeling charges to be levied by NPDCL –

Wheeling charges to be levied by SPDCL –

Note – As per Govt. of AP policy there will be no wheeling charges applicable on non-conventional energy generators (Wind, Solar and Mini-Hydel).?

The order on wheeling tariff can be accessed here.

Transmission Charges:

The APTRANSCO will levy the following transmission charges starting from FY15.

Note – RE generators will continue to be exempted from paying the above transmission tariffs as per Govt. of AP policy directives.?

Transmission tariff order can be read in detail by clicking here.

SLDC Charges:

The following SLDC charges (Annual Fee & Operating Charges) shall be paid by?Generating Companies (including Captive Generating Plants), Distribution?Licensees and Trading Licensees using the intra-State Transmission Network.

Detailed order is available here.