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Andhra Pradesh declares APPC for FY15

Hon’ble Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (APERC) in an order (DATED – 31 MAY 2014) has determined the APPC for FY 14-15.

The definition of the APPC being followed by APERC can be read as –

‘Pooled Cost of Power Purchase (PCPP)’ means the weighted average pooled price at which the distribution licensee has purchased electricity in the previous year from all the long-term energy suppliers excluding the purchases based on liquid fuel. Provided that the purchases from traders, short-term purchases and purchases from renewable sources shall not be taken into account while determining Pooled Cost of Power Purchase.

AP’s APPC definition is not in sync with that of CERC as it excludes power purchases from suppliers based on liquid fuel, Purchases from Traders, short term purchases and purchases from Renewable sources.

The APPC for FY 14-15 has been calculated as Rs. 3.38 per unit.

The APPC is AP has been growing steadily with a CAGR of 7.91%.

The order by APERC can be found here.

Our previous Blog posts on APPC of other states can be Read here.

Contributed by – Dheeraj Babariya