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Odisha Declares Open Access Charges for 2014-15

Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC) has determined the Open Access charges through a notification dated 11thApril 2016.
The new charges determined are applicable for FY 16-17 with effect from 11th April 2014. The details of the charges are in the table below:

The normative transmission loss at EHT (3.70%) and normative wheeling loss for HT level (8%) are applicable for the year 2016-17.
Additional Surcharge: No additional surcharge over and above the Cross-Subsidy Surcharge needs to be given to the embedded licensee.
No Cross-subsidy surcharge are payable by the consumers availing Renewable power.
20% wheeling charge is payable by the consumer drawing power from Renewable source excluding Co-generation & Bio mass power plant.
The order can be accessed here.