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Haryana Finalizes Retail Tariff for FY 15-16

The Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (HERC) on May 7th, 2015 has finalized the retail supply tariff applicable for FY 15-16.

The summary of the Industrial tariffs is given in the graph below:

Commercial Consumers tariff defined for FY 15-16 is Rs. 6.3/kVAh compared to Rs. 5.71/kVAh, a rise of 9.4% which is significant. And the LT industrial tariff for FY 15-16 has been increase by 6-7% compared to previous year.

Wheeling Charges:? The wheeling charges have been fixed at Rs. 0.85 per kWh.

Cross Subsidy Surcharges:The CSS for HT industrial consumers will be Rs. 0.93 per unit, and for Non-domestic HT consumers Rs. 1.46 per unit. A graph on the CSS defined by the commission over the years is below:

The CSS for industrial consumers saw a decrease of almost 54% compared to previous year and the same of Nondomestic HT consumer has been increased by 73%. This increase in CSS for Non-domestic consumer will make open access transaction costly while for Industrial consumers this decrease in CSS will make open access and exchange transactions more viable.

The order can be accessed here.