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Rajasthan Draft Net Metering Regulation

Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) has recently notified draft regulation for Net Metering & small solar grid interactive systems. The regulation will come into force from the date of notification in the official Gazette.
The regulation will apply to the distribution licensee and the consumers of the licensee. The consumers in the area of distribution licensee are allowed to install rooftop systems under Net Metering arrangement for their internal use and are allowed to supply surplus energy into the distribution system.
Individual Project Capacities: The rooftop solar system should of minimum 1KWp capacity and should not be more than 1MWp. The maximum capacity for rooftop systems to be installed shall not be more than 80% contract demand of the consumer.
Interconnection with the Grid: The connectivity levels at which the Rooftop PV Solar Power Plants shall be connected with the grid are as specified below:

Energy Accounting and Settlement: The distribution system shall install metering equipment at the point of interconnection. For each billing cycle the distribution licensee shall show quantum of energy injected into the distribution and energy drawn for the system. If the energy injected is more than energy drawn for distribution system then the surplus energy will be carried forward to next month, and if the energy drawn is more than energy injected then in such case the licensee will raise invoice after adjusting previous energy credits.
Applicability of Charges: The Rooftop PV Solar Power Plant under net metering arrangement shall be exempted from banking charges.
Solar RPO and REC Eligibility: The quantum of energy generated from rooftop systems will qualify towards the RPO of the distribution licensee, in case the consumer is not an obligated entity. Considering that the consumer can self-consume or sell to a third party under open access, as per current REC Regulation, a consumer availing Open Access benefits is not eligible for REC. Captive consumers who do not avail Open Access benefits for the entire generation (self-consumption + injection into grid) are eligible for RECs for the entire generation.
The comments and suggestion on the draft ca be submitted on or before December 4, 2014.
The Draft Regulation can be accessed here.
Our earlier blog on Rajasthan Solar tariff can be read here.
Contributed By?Dheeraj Babariya