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Tamil Nadu Comprehensive Tariff Order on Wind Energy

The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission issued its fourth Comprehensive Tariff Order on Wind Energy on 30th March, 2016. The Commission’s last comprehensive tariff order was issued in 2012 for a control period for two years which was later extended up to the issuance of next comprehensive tariff order. This order would be applicable on purchase of wind energy by the Distribution Licensee from wind energy generators (WEGs).
Some of the key points of the order are as follows:

  • Wind Tariff: This year’s levelized wind tariff has been finalized out to be Rs 4.16/ unit which has increased from the previous tariff of Rs 3.59/ unit.
  • CDM Benefits: The order offers CDM benefits, which will be shared between the distribution licensee and the consumer on gross basis starting from 100% to developers in the first year and thereafter reducing by 10% every year till the sharing becomes equal.
  • Wheeling & Transmission Charges: The WEGs shall have to bear 40% in each of the transmission, wheeling and scheduling and system operation charges as applicable to the conventional power to the wind power.
  • CSS: The WEG will be levied 50% of cross subsidy charges.
  • Banking Charges: This order provides the banking of Energy for a period of 12 month commencing from April 1st, 2016 to 31st March.
    • The Unutilized energy as on 31st March every year would be encashed at the rate of 75% of the respective applicable wind energy tariff rate fixed by the Commission.
    • The WEGs have requested to consider purchase of unutilized energy for the generators under REC scheme at APPC rates and to permit banking of energy and encash the unutilized energy at 75% of the applicable rates notified by the Commission.
  • The order can be accessed here.