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Maharashtra: RPO Compliance and target for 2015-16

The Maharashtra Energy Development Authority submitted the RPO settlement data for MSEDCL on 14th September, 2014. There have been major shortfalls in meeting RPO targets. As for the total RPO targets set, a comparison below shows that MEDA had exceeded the NAPCC expectations in RPO for states.

The status of achievement of RPO targets by MSEDCL, based on the revised details provided by MEDA, MSEDCL and MSLDC for FY 2010-11 to FY 2013-14 are depicted in the graphs below.

Regarding Solar RPO targets, the Commission has allowed MSEDCL to cumulatively fulfil its Solar RPO targets by FY 2015-16. The Commission observed that MSEDCL has shortfall of 684.89 MU for FY 2012-13 in meeting their Non-Solar RPO targets. After considering the surplus of 386.52 MU of previous years, there is still a shortfall of 298.37 MU in FY 2012-13. Thus MSEDCL was allowed to meet its Non-Solar RPO shortfall of 298.37 MU for FY 2012-13 in FY 2013-14 on cumulative basis. The shortfall in Hydro should also be fulfilled by 2015-16.
MSEDCL was directed by commission to constitute a separate ‘RPO Regulatory Charges Fund’, to purchase Solar and Non-Solar RECs and/or to procure power, to meet the shortfall against RPO targets by the end of March, 2016.
The relevant order can be accessed here.