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BERC (Bihar) Draft Solar Rooftop (Net Metering) Regulation 2015

The Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC) has recently notified the draft Net Metering Regulation for Grid Interactive Solar Rooftop Systems. The regulation will allow electricity consumers of the state to generate solar energy on their roof’s, and to consume such generate energy for their internal use and to feed the remaining surplus solar energy into the distribution system.

The main features of the regulation are given in the points below:

  • The systems to be installed under the regulation shall be of min. 1kWp capacity and Max. 1Mwp cap. However the yearly target capacity of 10MW has been fixed in the area of the distribution licensee.
  • ?The Discom shall offer the provision of Net Metering to the consumer who intends to install rooftop systems on first come first serve basis.
  • ?A max. cumulative capacity at a particular distribution transformer shall not exceed 15% of the peak capacity of the distribution transformer.
  • The capacity of an individual rooftop PV system would be equal to the sanctioned load of the consumer.
  • The energy accounting and settlement will be done based on the reading of the bidirectional meters.
  • Any energy credits of a consumer from previous months will be carried to next billing period and will be set to zero after the settlement period.
  • The electricity generated from a solar rooftop systems shall not be more than 90% of the total energy consumption of any consumer in a settlement period. No payment shall be made by the distribution licensee, beyond this limit.
  • The quantum of energy consumed from the rooftop system will be considered towards the Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) of Distribution licensee if the consumer is not an obligated entity.
  • Such rooftop systems shall be exempted from payment of wheeling, banking and cross subsidy surcharge if under Open Access mode.
  • The eligibility for availing benefits of REC mechanism shall be as per CERC REC Regulation 2010.

The regulation can be accessed here.