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CSERC’s order on non compliance of RPO by Discoms for the year 2011-12 & 2012-13

Chhattisgarh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (CSERC) passed an order on 15th October 2014 on non compliance of RPO by DISCOM’s of Chhattisgarh for the year 2011-12 and 2012-13. ?In the order CSERC said that they will close this matter of non compliance of RPO by DISCOMs. The questions arises in the order is how, as CSERC has not mentioned about any action to be taken or any penalty to be imposed on the discoms for their non compliance. CSERC in its order have concluded that
“Our attention has been drawn towards the fact that in CSPDCL’s tariff determination, final true up for FY 2011-12 has been completed. Therefore, in our opinion, it would not be appropriate to force them for compliance of RPO for FY 2011-12 at this stage. We are also of the view, that penalizing the other respondents/DISCOM for non fulfillment of their RE obligation for year 2011-12 is unjustified”
Similar order was also given for FY 2012-13. The commission has only asked the Discoms to be more vigilant on fulfillment of RPO in the coming years.
The order can be accessed here ( FY 2011-12) and here ( FY 2012-13).