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MERC: New Distribution Open Access Regulation, 2014

MERC (Maharashtra Electricity regulatory Commission) through an order on 25th June 2014 has made the new regulation for distribution open access in the state of Maharashtra. MERC in its new regulation has added 20 new definitions than the Distribution open access regulation 2005.

A comparative analysis with Open Access Regulation 2005 is below:

  • The open access consumers shall pay Wheeling Charges, Cross Subsidy Surcharge and Additional Surcharge as specified by the state commission in its relevant orders.
  • The open access consumer shall also bear the Transmission and Distribution (only technical losses) losses as determined by the commission.
  • Open Access Consumer having a load of 5 MW or above shall pay Reactive Energy Charges and shall also pay Standby charges for drawal of power.

More details on the Regulation can be accessed here.

Previous Open Access Regulation, 2005 can be accessed here.

Contributed By: Dheeraj Babariya.