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REConnect Newsletter Volume 40 – OPEN ACCESS

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to present Open Access Vol 40 – our monthly newsletter covering RECs and regulatory and market developments in the renewable energy space.

Key points covered in this newsletter are:

?1) Two important announcements – Infuse Ventures – a clean tech focused venture capital fund invested in REConnect Energy, and 2) The scheduling and forecasting team reached an important milestone of sending over 15,000 schedules till date. This milestone was achieved in a short span of 8 months.

?2) A detailed analysis of the REC markets in FY 2013-14

?3) Regulatory updates including important changes in RPO regualtions in Gujarat and Rajasthan

?4) Analysis of the most recent trading session of RECs and capacities in the REC mechanism

?The newsletter can also be downloaded by clicking here –?or past newsletters from here.

?We hope you find the newsletter a useful read. Do provide us feedback.


– Team REConnect