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APERC order on APPPC FY13

The state of Andhra Pradesh has finally got its awaited “average pooled power purchase cost” in an order dated 29.06.2013 released by Hon’ble APERC. as Rs. 2.69 per unit. Although, the same is for FY 2012-13. Before determining the final APPPC cost for the state, Hon’ble APERC had a provisional rate in place which was Rs. 2.00 per unit.
It is worthwhile to iterate the definition that the com-mission follows for determination of its APPPC.

‘Pooled Cost of Power Purchase’ means the weighted average pooled price at which the distribution licensee?has purchased electricity in the previous year from all the long-term energy suppliers excluding the purchases based on liquid fuel’. Provided that the purchases from traders, short-term purchases and purchases from renewable sources shall not be taken into account while determining Pooled Cost of Power Purchase.

The power purchase cost incurred by AP DISCOMs were verified by the commission. The order also reads that the difference between new and provisional rate will be paid to the developer in six monthly installments.

For a copy of order –?Click Here

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